Jerry's Last Farewell

Hello, guys. I will tell you now the secret that my friend Rowley and I know. The lost episode of Tom and Jerry.

It was started on Rowley's birthday. I knew that he love Tom and Jerry cartoons very much, besides he's my best friend. Cartoons of Tom and Jerry were nowhere to found, so I was in trouble. In some little blind alley was a man who was selling stuff. I ran to him and ask:

"Do you have some Tom and Jerry cartoon?"

He chuckled:

"Yesss...Here's an unique one. No one didn't watched it." he said in a creepy tone.

"Great! I'll buy it. How many-"

"It's free, boyo. Take it." 


So I went to Rowley's birthday party. After party I went home. Next day, Rowley came to me in shock and said:

"Take this cursed thing! Throw into a trash! I don't care what are you gonna do with it, just don't watch!"

"Why?" I asked.

"Where did you bought this?" he asked, still in shock.

"At some little blind alley."

"Are you fucking crazy? Just say that you'll never, EVER buy things in allies."

"Okay." I said.

After school, I ran home to see what's Rowley talking about. I didn't have DVD recorder so I watched it on a computer.

The beginning was usual. Lion Pictures and other stuff, but the title card when they are smiling to each other was different. There wasn't Jerry. Just Tom.

"Well, maybe Jerry's on holiday." I thought. But the name of cartoon was weird. It's called "Jerry's Last Farewell."

The cartoon started. Jerry woke up and he ran to kitchen for cheese. Some grinding was heard from the basement. Jerry was so curious so he make down the basement. There were so many Russian posters that represents Nazi and stuff. Then came the scariest moment ever in Tom and Jerry history: A pile of dead mice is in corner. All tortured and killed. Some even dismembered. My stomach hurt when I saw that scene. Jerry vomited. Then, in a background, was a loud scream, and Nibbles was thrown dead in a pile of dead mice, dismembered. Jerry ran to him and cried.

Then, Tom appeared behind him. He wanted to smack Jerry but Jerry evaded. They were running everywhere, but finally, Tom caught him. He dragged him to metal table and he tied him with rope. Anyway, Jerry escaped and Tom pursuit him, again. Then, Jerry had a sad look on face and in background was played song ''Exile Vilify''.

"That is a remake of this sick cartoon." I thought.

Then a Donald Duck came in Tom's house with the suit like in ''Der Fuhrer's Face'' carrying a machete.

"No" I said "It can't be...IT CAN'T BE!!!"

Jerry didn't look where's he running and he bumped into Donald. Jerry screamed and a static appeared. Static slowly fade out laughing in blood. Donald said:

"Jerry said the last farewell!"

And the whole computer system fall in shock and I fainted.

Epilogue[§ion=1 Edit]

Well, I woke up in the hospital. I didn't have no idea how did I get in hospital. My mother said I was found in puke. Police found DVD and put in evidence box. Nobody found that man who gave me that DVD. When my mum and dad went home, a minute after they went came Rowley and said:

"You shouldn't have watch that."